Giving at Center Church

Your generosity changes lives.

Your giving enables us to grow our current ministries, bless our community, and increase our role in church planting both here and around the world.

Things to know about your giving to Center Church:

Your giving is confidential.

Your name or amount that you give never goes beyond our financial department.

Your giving is 100% tax deductible.

We are an official 501c3 organization.

You can check your giving at any time.

Throughout the year, you can check your giving statement online, and you will receive year end giving statements.

Your giving is stewarded well.

You can be confident your gifts are wisely managed so that every dollar is maximized for ministry and mission.

Give on the App

Search “Church Center” in your App Store, download the app, and follow the prompts to sign in.

Give by Mail

Checks can be made out to Center Church and mailed to:

475 Westfield Road
Charlottesville, Virginia, 22901

Give Online

You can give securely online through the button below.

Give in Service

During our weekly services, you can give by placing your gift in the offering bucket.

Give through Stock

Center Church has the ability to receive stock gifts. For some, this is the most effective way to use their resources. Email for information.

Automated Giving

Automated recurring giving through the online portal is an easy way to stay consistent with generosity throughout the year. It’s also a blessing to the church as we budget for ministry every month. Giving this way is easy to set up and can be changed at any time by logging in online or through the Church Center app.