
What is GoNow?

A movement of college students from the Center who respond to God’s call to the Great Commission. They commit their summers, semesters, or two years of their lives after college to serve with one of our local, national, or international church plants.

What is City Project?

City Project is a two-month all intensive discipleship experience where UVA & PVCC students learn what it means to be an all-of-life disciple of Jesus Christ. In addition, this is a chance to spend two months immersed in the local church locally, nationally, and internationally, as students will spend 1 week in New York City, 5 weeks in Charlottesville, and 2 weeks overseas.

What is Second City?

Second City is a two-month-long international missions trip with a Center Church international partner. Students will partner with long-term missionaries to advance the Kingdom of God in a foreign context. This summer will include hands-on missionary experience, personal discipleship mentoring, and leadership development. Students from UVA & PVCC who call Center Church home and have previously participated in City Project are eligible for Second City.

Why should I do GoNow?

Great God

Jesus is worthy of being glorified in every aspect of our lives, including our summers. In Matthew 6, He calls every believer to seek His Kingdom first and promises to provide every need that we have. GoNow is a great option to glorify the Lord as he deserves.

Great Need

Over 3 billion people worldwide have little to no access to the Gospel. In Matthew 9, Jesus said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Jesus’ heart is compassionate, and He desires many more laborers to be sent out to reach people He is calling to Himself.

Great Opportunity

GoNow is an excellent opportunity to learn how to participate in the mission God calls every believer to in Matthew 28. Each student will be developed in skills including leadership, bible study, evangelism, and prayer. 

City Project 2023

Why should I be a part of City Project?

Hell is real. Time is short. Jesus says “Go”.

Each of us has a part to play in the mission of God. We believe taking one summer during college to learn how to be a disciple and make disciples will put you on a path of a life-long impact for the kingdom. City Project is not just for future development. You will take the message of the gospel to those with little to no access to the Bible!

What is your part to play? City Project will help you find out – now and for life after college.

When is City Project?

Move-In: May 17, 2023 | Move-Out: July 14, 2023

What is the summer schedule?

Orientation Week – May 17

New York City (Global Gates) – May 21

Charlottesville – May 29

International – June 24

Re-Send Week – July 11

Where do we live while in Charlottesville?

You will be provided with a host family from Center Church. This will be a great way to develop relationships in the church, learn what it means to be a part of the church family, and develop mentoring relationships.

What is Global Gates?

Global Gates is a ministry that seeks to plant churches among unreached people groups who have immigrated to the United States. Many countries are difficult to access for Christians, but in the sovereignty of God, many of them live close by.

We will spend a week serving with Global Gates in and around Washington, DC, doing outreach among South Asian and Middle Eastern populations.

How does the international trip work?

Center Church has many missionary partners around the world. We send staff-led teams of City Project students to missionary partners with experience leading teams of college students in their context for two weeks.

The international locations for 2023 are TBD.

What is the cost of City Project?

$4,800. We will train you to prayerfully develop a team through personal support-raising. Generosity fuels the mission of God, and we will help you invite others to be a part of what God is doing!

This cost includes everything you will need for the summer: housing, transportation, all food, etc.

Support a City Project Student

Generosity fuels the mission. Click on your student’s name below to join their support team by giving financially!